What you wil learn


  • 1

    Welcome to the Yoga development guide

    • Welcome from Nadege

  • 2

    The Yoga development manual

    • A4 - The Yoga Development Guide 2023

  • 3

    Before starting with your practice

    • Props to use during practice

    • Foundations for a safe practice

  • 4

    A bit of phylosophy

    • A bit of Philosophy

    • The eigh limbs of Yoga and the bliss of Samadhi by Patanjali

    • Yoga the wisdom of life

    • Meaning of Yoga

    • Relevance of Yoga today

    • The sounds of the Universe ~ AUM / OM

    • Namaste and its meaning

  • 5

    All about the breath

    • Pranayama & the Power of the breath

    • Abdominal breathing

    • Kapala Bhaati ~ The breath of fire

    • Bhastrika pranayama ~ bellows breathing

    • Ujjayi breath ~ Victorious breath

    • Naadi Shodhana pranayama ~ Alternate nostril breathing

    • Bhramari pranayama ~ Humming bee

    • The science of breathing

  • 6

    How Yoga can help

    • The fascia's response and body dysfunction working from home

    • How can Yoga help to free your body and your mind

  • 7

    Navigating Everyday Challenges

    • How Yoga Can Improve Physical and Mental Well-being

  • 8

    Explore what you need

    • Different types of Yoga

    • Differences between Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga

    • Yoga a universal language

    • Postural stretchings for a better posture

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    Reflection / Gratitude practice

    • Get started with gratitue log and journaling

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    Easy sequence to take home

    • Easy sequence

  • 11

    Recorded Yoga classes

    • Vinyasa Yoga ~ easy mornings

    • Hatha Yoga ~ gentle evenings

    • Yin Yoga ~ ease-off into your night

    • Pranayama

    • Focus on the hips - SD 480p

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    Tell us what you thought about the course

    • Your true opinion worth more than what you think.

Bonus material

It's more than just a course.

  • The booklet

    You will have access to a 34-page booklet to support you on your journey. Giving you precious answers to questions we all have at the beginning of our journey into Yoga. There is a space dedicated to taking notes and practicing gratitude. Available in printed version at a cost.

  • The videos

    12 videos in total that take you through the foundations, the props to use, the practice, and much more, so you always feel connected throughout and visualise what the practice is.

  • The chat

    Help and support are available via email, course material, Whatsapp, and 1 hour on 1-1 with me if you have questions or concerns.